Specializing in the harvest, logistics and import of fresh seafood to Canada

Exploring Sustainable Fishing Methods
Fishing Methods, Sustainability Mark Urwin Fishing Methods, Sustainability Mark Urwin

Exploring Sustainable Fishing Methods

When it comes to harvesting seafood, there's a myriad of methods employed by fishermen around the world. Each technique comes with its own set of benefits and challenges, and at 46 South, we're committed to purchasing seafood that’s only been sourced with sustainable fishing methods to ensure the highest quality seafood and prioritize the health and sustainability of our oceans. Let's take a closer look at some of the fishing methods we employ and the species they target.

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Committed to Sustainable Fishing Practices 
Fishing Methods, Sustainability Mark Urwin Fishing Methods, Sustainability Mark Urwin

Committed to Sustainable Fishing Practices 

In a world where our oceans face increasing threats from overfishing, pollution, and climate change, the importance of sustainable fishing practices cannot be overstated. As stewards of the sea, it's our responsibility to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the bounties of the ocean for years to come. That's why we're fully committed to supporting the best sustainable fishing practices in everything we do.

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